There have been many high and few low points[which am not going to cribble abt and write here] and would like to share some of them with you guys....
1) icmr project-this year got my recognition certificate for the completion of the ICMR project in Pathology,it was really a very nice eye opening learning experience working with our hospital's best pathologists and the patients together.
2) learning medicine-only after coming into the final i really realized and learned the art of med,its highs and lows,minute and the ability to diagnose diseases from the patients[they are the ones who really teach u!] Voltaire had once said "the art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease"...hope some day very soon i get this wisdom:)
3) blogging-this was my first yr into blogging and i enjoyed it and am happy to have made so many good friends.
some of my so called "Resolutions" for the coming year-
1)start preparing for pg entrance exams as soon as i get into internship[this is a must!]
2)continue with my jogging once again
3)learn from my internship as much as possible
hope i do them sincerely
wish u guys a very happy and prosperous New Year ahead:)

p.s-my final year exams are from 5th to 13th jan-7 papers in 9 days..until then this blog will be inactive:)