money from indian Boozers finally paid off with force india's fisichella finishing second in the Belgian Grand Prix today....truely a historic day for indian sports
trying to use here that part of the brain that transforms thoughts into words and speech to let out my emotions,frustrations,happiness etc!
my weekend plans-
watch LOVE AAJ KAL movie[dwnd it:D]
try to finish psm subj
atleast restart my regular jogging schedule
10 more days in surgery than its OBG!!
the taking of pelham 123 movie trailer looks awesome in the trailers...hope i see it next week
any 3rd rate private hosp[also corporates]/doctor thinks our hosp is a dumping place of patients and send any complicated case to us for the management inspite of knowing ours a govn setup and except for basic facilities[which itself is in acute shortage] have nothing else...truth is everyone just wants to wash their dirty butt and come clean...!!
a patient's attender comes at night to us[from emergency wards] at around 1am and tells us that some private doc had told him that as soon as he comes here the patient will get operated and was questioning us why it hasnt been done so...as if we r some vultures and as soon as the patient enters we pounce on him and take him to ot...wtF!!...
lost,sad,disoriented,unhappy etc....
may be am missing my native or not counting my blessings in life.....not sure..!!
making my mark on the wall at my native-09
Criteria for INDIAN MALE reference
Age-20-39 years
Spends "8"hours in BED,4-6hours SITTING and moving around and 2 HOURS in walking and in ACTIVE RECREATION duties.
i Spend abt 6-7hours sleeping,atleast 3-4 hours sitting[opds,writing casesheets,doing tp in wards and talking to sisters!] and atleast 3 hours walking-running begind profs,suturing,dressing and doing pion and ward boy works!![except cleaning they make us do everything]
so i defenitely fit into it!!;)
1-going to my native for 2 days[leaving tonight]....atleast no such work for 2 whole days!!..
2-psm really helps sometimes!!..lol
a new swine flu screening centre[opd basis] has been started here and which unfortunately happens to be situated just next our night duty room...!!...
one of my co-intern is scared to death!!...rofl!!
This year i finally made it to the flag hoisting ceremony at our college campus...this was my first time there[and the last] and after going there i realised that am doing it[singing my national anthem and witnessing a flag hoisiting] after 8 long years[last being when i was in 9th] which made me very nostalgic and in fact little patriotic!!...
1-have taken the snaps which am putting in my private picture blog.
2-everytime i come across our nat anthem i make it a point to standup[atleast try]..how many of u guys indeed do this??
after 2 back to back duties and no bath inbetween[with plenty of axe] am stinking like an animal...no wonder that the street dog near my house didnt even dare to come near me today.
p.s-1-this time i preferred sleeping during my break in the mornings instead of taking bath!....
2-these days every tom,dick and harry from abroad who gets a cold[or flu symptoms] demands a h1n1 testing to be done and as a result the swine flu ward[in our setup] has become a market like place with long Qs for throat swab cultures....[god i really curse these media people!!]
A 24 year old man comes to opd and says that he has an wound on his right index finger and needs our immediate attention....when i further enquired about it he said with some hesitation "i was bitten by my 23 yr old friend".Such cases[any bite] usually needs to be done MLC[medicolegal case]here and when i told him about his situation he just disappeared from there and never came back.
p.s-marathon duty coming up...from sunday morning till tuesday afternoon!:([2 back to back duties]