My first day in obg was as wierd as it can get....first of all its a subj which seems so greek and latin to me[learning theory and doing it practically r so diffn] and a 12 hour continous night shift in the first day itself was something hard to digest[though we had done many double duties in med]...Luckily now am in a ward[srlw] where cases r quite less and luckily i can sleep atleast for 4-6 hours during night shifts.
1-yesterday as soon i entered the room i saw many preg ladies lying on the bed ready to be was such a weird feeling...didnt know wht to say or do..i just had to like a zombie roam around a bit for some company[other cointerns:P]
2-from drugs to equipments used seemed new as if i had read this subj long back...guess i have to do my home work properly...!:(
3-2 days brk duty is on sunday!!...
4-the best part is that sisters do most of the work here[unlike in med,surgery] and we just have to sit back and order them/impress them[?]!!..;)