after 2 weeks of ortho i have-
put just 3 slabs[pops]
assisted in another 3-5
written about 50-80 painkillers[bread and butter of ortho]
in OTs have done practically nothing except for some pion and paper works...
in short-life in ortho sucks[compared to obg] with too many duties/ots....
1-finally had been to 2012..quite a nice movie though 1st half was little boring..
2-MRs[medical representatives] come to every opd and give us a list of latest drugs in the market[coax us!] which we experiment on the patients...write the same drug for few of the patients and in case u get bored[or until u memorize it properly] jump to another one..lol..and its quite fun!!;)
3-studies have gone gone for a toss...hardly i study these days...:(...may be coz of lack of motivation plus too many duties...