life is hectic as a JR [junior resident]...
duty[every 3 days],wards,irritating patients,communication problem,homesickness.....all these drive me really crazy sometimes.....sometimes i feel why did i land up here..kahte hain na 'shaadi ka ladoo hai aisa Jo na khaye who pachtaye, Khaane wala bhi Pachtaye'...but that is life i guess..u have to face it....just 3 yrs and may be one yr as a SR [senior resident] and am done with this place...
1-still havent bought the watch i want to- 'casio edifice'...
and planning to buy one good 250cc bike in the near future...hm...so much to plan for..
2-good old frnds r really hard to find...am lucky that i have such kinds even now..:)
3-one of my childhood frnd [neighbor] got murdered recently...though he was just a frnd to me i had quite a few nice childhood memories with him which are priceless