a 14 yr came to me in paeds opd today and said that he needed a favour from me and that being a re-dressing[bandage] for his old completely healed abdomen scar.Actually i didn't know how to react but meanwhile he continued the conversation saying "my mom's brother has met with an accident and seriously needs some money for his surgery and if i show this [ false bandage] to my paternal grandfather he may give some some money[5k]!".After listening to this i reluctantly agreed and when was about to write for his dressing he said he doesn't have the opd slip and needs 2 rupees for that!..Finally i made him am opd slip with my money and he happily went to minor ot.
p.s-unfortunately he couldn't get the dressing done!!...lol
trying to use here that part of the brain that transforms thoughts into words and speech to let out my emotions,frustrations,happiness etc!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
change in gear

30 common cold cases
10-15 dog bites
15-20 bronchitis,pneumonia
3-5 accident cases
20 uti [urinary tract cases]
15-20 skin allergies cases
its time to say good-bye to med and shift to pediatrics [hopefully]!!..
nothing new to know abt the clinical aspects here but learnt quite a bit about the drugs and the way to handle these patients.
happy weekend!!:)
p.s-[actually am bored to prescribing for the same cases again and again from past 5 days]
Friday, March 27, 2009
same generation

had to share this one..taken near my house...thats pinki, their pet dog!!
p.s-happy ugadi guys:)
no holiday for me today[even on this sunday:(]!!
daily life,
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
an old patient is better than a new doctor

p.s-pp4-procaine penicillin 4Lunits
my father is pretty much like that..a veteran in self medication:P
patients interactions,
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
lion among the lambs
today was my first day at nelamangala PHC.Here each intern is assigned a department on rotation basis and and i will be in medicine for the first 3 days...ur alone here and have to deal with the opd patients independently till 9-4pm[including prescriptions and the investigations].Today i have prescribed to about 70-100 patients including for myalgia,malaria,fungal infections and a bipolar disease[just re prescribed in this case]!!
u get to see all almost all types of patients here ranging from 1 yr old ones to 85 yrs old.Even the emotion displayed by them varies a lot from being friendly and grateful to the extent of even abusing u for the unknown reasons[like today one guy literally started scolding me for making his wife go around the hosp for the checkup]
Overall it as been a real learning experience.....14 more days to go!!
my first opd prescription slip!!!..:)....[diclo and omeprezole]
u get to see all almost all types of patients here ranging from 1 yr old ones to 85 yrs old.Even the emotion displayed by them varies a lot from being friendly and grateful to the extent of even abusing u for the unknown reasons[like today one guy literally started scolding me for making his wife go around the hosp for the checkup]
Overall it as been a real learning experience.....14 more days to go!!

Monday, March 23, 2009
God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you?" ~William A. Ward
After attending 4 ANC clinics i now feel my job is the best in the world!![atleast i feel like that:)]...more than the satisfaction its the gratitude and respect u get from them makes u feel so good!!...like some say "happiness of a man in this life consists of the mastery of his passions" hope i achieve it some day:)
from nelamangala hospital..real action begins now:D
After attending 4 ANC clinics i now feel my job is the best in the world!![atleast i feel like that:)]...more than the satisfaction its the gratitude and respect u get from them makes u feel so good!!...like some say "happiness of a man in this life consists of the mastery of his passions" hope i achieve it some day:)
from nelamangala hospital..real action begins now:D
daily life,
patients interactions,
World Tb day-24th march

Preventive measures-

- Keep your immune system healthy. Eat plenty of healthy foods including fruits and vegetables, get enough sleep, and exercise at least 30 minutes a day most days of the week to keep your immune system in top form.
- Get tested regularly. Experts advise people who have a high risk of TB to get a skin test once a year. This includes people with HIV or other conditions that weaken the immune system, people who live or work in a prison or nursing home, health care workers, people from countries with high rates of TB, and others in high-risk groups.
- Consider preventive therapy. If you test positive for latent TB infection, your doctor will likely advise you to take medications to reduce your risk of developing active TB. Vaccination with BCG isn't recommended for general use in the United States, because it isn't very effective in adults and it causes a false-positive result on a Mantoux skin test. But the vaccine is often given to infants in countries where TB is more common. Vaccination can prevent severe TB in children. Researchers are working on developing a more effective TB vaccine.
- Finish your entire course of medication. This is the most important step you can take to protect yourself and others from TB. When you stop treatment early or skip doses, TB bacteria have a chance to develop mutations that allow them to survive the most potent TB drugs. The resulting drug-resistant strains are much more deadly and difficult to treat.
- source-stoptb.org,mayoclinic
Saturday, March 21, 2009
real life scenarios
a 4month old pregnant lady of 23 yrs comes for a regular check up at our ANC clinic and when advised to undergo a USg scan at our center says she wants to do it outside somewhere in a private clinic reason being[when asked the reason by me] she wants to know the gender!!....she already has a 3 yr old daughter.
today during CNAA survey on equiring about his childrens age a father of four replies "8,6,4 and 2"....guess he has worked out his math very well!..lol
1-see this hilarious video of a prank call...u will surely go rofl!!:)
2-atlast one of our Bp apparatus is working!!....some thing to cheer abt:P
3-my close senior friend had his graduation today..my hearty congratulations to him.[i will be in his shoes next yr:)]
4-finally met the stygian sailor[kafta cafe blog] who is my senior[by 2 yrs] in the college...really cool guy indeed:)[@ sailor.. its not a flattery!!]
a 4month old pregnant lady of 23 yrs comes for a regular check up at our ANC clinic and when advised to undergo a USg scan at our center says she wants to do it outside somewhere in a private clinic reason being[when asked the reason by me] she wants to know the gender!!....she already has a 3 yr old daughter.
today during CNAA survey on equiring about his childrens age a father of four replies "8,6,4 and 2"....guess he has worked out his math very well!..lol
1-see this hilarious video of a prank call...u will surely go rofl!!:)
2-atlast one of our Bp apparatus is working!!....some thing to cheer abt:P

4-finally met the stygian sailor[kafta cafe blog] who is my senior[by 2 yrs] in the college...really cool guy indeed:)[@ sailor.. its not a flattery!!]
patients interactions,
Thursday, March 19, 2009
World's best

This programme is in fact just a part of Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) under Child Survival and Safe Motherhood Programme (CSSM) which was setup in 1992.The UIP envisages achieving and sustaining universal immunization coverage in infants with three doses of DPT and OPV and one dose each of measles vaccine and BCG, and, in pregnant women, with two primary doses or one booster dose of TT.
Since we are posted for duty in a referral hospital now we are getting to see the real practical picture of this.Here weekly 2 days have been assigned for this vaccination thing during which vaccines are put to the child concerned for absolutely FREE of cost and this is being carried out in all the major phcs and district all over INDIA[almost 1000s] 365 days a year. Unfortunately many of u are still under the impression that a good health care facility is the one with a posh building with ultra modern facilities and good nice looking ambulances[and nurses!] parked outside but thats not the truth.The real thing is that which provides the basic of basic facilities to the absolute needy and that too free of cost and its all happening here right here in INDIA!.So next time before criticizing and pointing out fingers at the government plz think twice and appreciate the work done by it!!...

p.s-only 2 more days here..then its phc[primary health centre],nelamangala.:)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

about the programme-
Its a de-centralized programme which implicates close association of the community and its leading lights and opinion leaders such as village Pradhans, Mahila Swasthya Sanghs, Primary School Teachers, etc. in formulation of the PHC based family welfare and health care plan. Under this approach, plans regarding family welfare services were to be formulated in consultation with the community at the grass root level and expected to lead to improvement in quality of services and client satisfaction matching with ground situation requirements
We have been assigned to this since the last 2 days and have been going house to house survey with paramedics.
Our[read paramedics:P] job is to just note down the family details[number,names etc] giving special importance to family planning and eligible couples[15-49yrs]....myself and my friend just accompany them to boost their moral(does it?!) and get the public co-operation[since most of these people think its just another some lame government survey and don't bother at all].
But the best part of such surveys is that u get to see the real family, their living style and its practical aspects like today we came across one where the children[2 of them] had developed chicken pox and their parents still hadn't got any medical opinion but instead had been visiting a temple hoping for the cure and also came across a house(medium sized) which was home to abt 7 couples[total 21 ] and they had a common kitchen,drawing room,store room!!...u really feel sick when u see this and in a sense little bit happy that u are in a better position in life.
p.s-government has sanctioned 180rs/day/worker for this and i still don't know where his money is going[paramedics who are in this project from last 1 days still havent got a rupee]
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
paint your day
Monday, March 16, 2009
an experience..

overall we examined abt 50-70 ladies [19yr to 35yr old ones]....few among these was so shy for examination tht she almost refused to co-operate...this is one problem we always come across with opposite sex patients....[still remember the male patient in our surgery opd who almost masturbated when one of my friends examined it!!]
The sad part was tht both our BP apparatus weren't working properly(readings were on the lower side) and we had to just guess it and fill in their opd books....no one really cares abt it here[generally in govn institutes] and hope none of them turn out to be hypertensives!...and another problem in these govn places are the attenders[read sweepers,chaprasees] who act as if they own the place and some times they really mistreat these poor patients!
some things[people] never improve!!
patients interactions,
Saturday, March 14, 2009
a Love quote..

p.s-today's to do things
1-watch The curious case of Benjamin Button movie
2-go through the pg exams books i bought yesterday
3-search for some more interesting games for my mobile[in case i get bored at my work;)]
4-as usual go for jogging in the evening.
5-in case u didn't know G.I.goe movie trailer is out[remember those toys we used to play??]...definitely gonna watch this movie!!
happy weekend!!:)
"we can"-nice video.....
daily life,
pg exams,
Quotable quotes,
Thursday, March 12, 2009
as a Dr
today was my 2nd day as an intern in a near by Urban health centre.Its located nearby my college and to be frank was really surprised and in fact proud of facilties its providing. to the local population.It has all the basic facilities like regular anc[antenatal-pregnancy] checkup,US,xray,family planning techniques,immunization , regular field works[ counseling,govn school health check up etc] including basic ward facilities for the needy.
we had a free health check up visit to a nearby govn school[1st to 5th std]..totally there were 61 children.Really enjoyed interacting with these children.

was immunization day..learned the practical aspect of it and the different routes used for it[im,subcutaneous and intradermal]....here abt 500rs worth of immunization drugs are provided to every child every week till the age of 5yrs and and all this are funded by our government for free of cost ...!!!...some thing to feel proud abt:))


Wednesday, March 11, 2009
a day in the life of a jogger!
Monday, March 9, 2009
my first day

it really sucked!!...sorry to say this but was really disappointed with our concerned department..we had to wait till 2pm(from 9am) for the stupid postings order and finally when we got to know to knw tht we are posted in nearby Urban health centre[for 15 days] had to rush there for the duty reporting.
p.s-only highlight of the day was my friends birthday treat:D..[bitti oota-free meal]
Sunday, March 8, 2009
the "D" day...

Finally the day has arrived.
After 40 days of holidays,finally our internship will be beginning from tomorrow....My first one will be in rurals which consists of a one month assignment in a nearby town[like nelamangala,tumkur] and abt 6 minor postings[of 15 days each].Inbetween we will be getting only 12 days of leave in 365 days and unluckily have to work even on weekends and national holidays[worst part].Lets see how it goes:)
1) Dont know whether am happy[ am working as a dr] or sad[no more osi(free) days]
2) will be postings abt my paycheck and all later;)
3) ti rules the charts again..check out his latest single..it rocks!!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
pics of the day....

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
theerthhalli trip....
Day 1
our first stop-kupphalli...plcae where he stayed..

great kannada poet Kuvempu's home

nearby tiffin centre...

at kavishaila

at agumbe

at Shringeri temple

at sirimele falls..
Day 2
kavuledurga fort
kavuledurga fort viewpoint

on the way to kodacgadri-highway!!..lol....[had to travel 1hr for 9kms!]
“Water is life's mater and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water"

koadchadri sunset view...heaven on earth
with friends...
sunset view...

sunset view..getting enlightened...
Day 3
our transport...

on the way to kollur..
kollur temple...

p.s- my condolences to the army people who sacrificed their life while saving SL players yesterday:).....
our first stop-kupphalli...plcae where he stayed..
great kannada poet Kuvempu's home

nearby tiffin centre...

at kavishaila

at agumbe
at Shringeri temple

at sirimele falls..
kavuledurga fort

koadchadri sunset view...heaven on earth

sunset view..getting enlightened...
our transport...

on the way to kollur..

p.s- my condolences to the army people who sacrificed their life while saving SL players yesterday:).....
Monday, March 2, 2009
25 must know facts......

Been tagged by numb
to write 25 random facts, goals or quirks about myself.
thanks bro.....
so here i go....
1) am a typical male person...u know wht tht means!!:P
2) love chocolates....u usually find many of them inside my college bag...
3) when i was a kid was too obsessed with tazos,cards and all.....had spent quite a sum on them.
4) love watches..have atleast a dozen of them, latest being titan octane series one presented by my twin
5) am allergic to rasam[sar in kannada]...really hate it....
6) am a lefty [in case u didnt know:)]
7) have many good friends but only few good close friends[5-6]...and i usually try to stay in touch with them
8) love playing xbox[and also psp]...but now days due to unavailability of the latest games have lost interest in them!!
9) when was in pu had a desire to eat all the best available biscuits for lunch..still haven't fulfilled that desire:(...[sounds silly no?]
10) most of my relatives remember only my pet name[sanna]and not the actual one....guess it has become so popular!!:P
11) some times am too moody...dont know the reason and i want to improve upon it
12) really hate taking bath[in the morning]...thats the hardest part of my daily morning routine...
13) till now i think i have had atleast 7-10 crushes.....:D
14) only other profession i would like to swap my present one is cooking...!!
15) first thing i do when i get up is put my mobile for charging[even before pissing and all]
16) love and appr women with good assests[asthi pasthi]!!:P
17) my twin and myself are totally opp to each other[looks ,behavior wise etc]...but still we like each other...!!
18) love taking photographs.[may be am a born photographer:P]
19) some day would love to write my autobiography with the pictures!!
20) one quality of people i hate is the importance they feel they get when they associate themselves with other successful people but in their life they are big loosers...most of them do this!!
21) when i started blogging i was giving too much importance to the no of comments but now i write only for myself!!:) [self realization]
22) first thing i will do with my first salary is buy gifts to my close ones....
23) may be some day[after 50yrs] i would like to settle in some village living independantly and enjoying life.....
24) when was in high school had the habit of sneeking through the film magazines[for obvious reasons!] at my cousins place...that was my only source then..:P.....now a days too bored of doing that....;)
25) people say ur childhood is the best part of ur life but i think u shd learn to live and appr ur life as it goes..no point in brooding over ur past however pleasant it must have been...
really tired now.....
daily life,
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