Friday, July 30, 2010

random thoughts of an unemployed mind...

days are getting colder and my schedule tighter..more classes with less time to cover them and the time spent in preparations are inversely proportion to your retention in neocortex...think good planning and time management are the keys now...

watching Inception was a big mistake...its a nice movie but no where entertaining and instead shd have seen despicable me..animation movies are always the best bet when it comes to entertainment and frankly even the worst made are quite entertaining..

blogstipation is an epidemic now...many fellow bloggers have virtually stopped writing and it has caught t on me too..i really dont think anyone is interested whether i shit,eat or sleep...this is one reason i never use twitter [last update was 27 days back saying 'i hate twitter']

lilliput living next door is quite amazing..i always hear him either crying or screaming [till his throat burst out]...and i still i haven't unleashed my ultimate weapon against him way to make a kid your fan/follower..;)

house s07 coming ..starting 23 sept...

according to medicine personality is an unmodifiable major criteria for heart diseases...just think about it!..that means personality u have cant be changed at all [as many books say] and once u get its the end...


Unknown said...

Do hang on there. I know doctors have a lot on their plate.
I watched 'Sorcerer's Apprentice' the other day and it was amazing. I try not to watch any movie with di Caprio in them :)

Satish Bolla said...

dude, it's been long time since i was here. good to see ur post.

yes, u got it right. chocs are the best way to get a kid's attention. but don't make him addicted to those like me

Mariposa said...

Of course I am interested to know about you...always! ;)

What's up doc?!!! :P

Some friends were telling me Inception is nice and I just couldn't find time..asthma visited me again and I've been working for 12-16 hours a day due to opening the I really know what you mean.

I hope you are well and hang on! We're all rooting for you.

arun said...

Bro, inception was awesome !!!! :O looooved it. was less thrilling n twisting than other nolan films, but still sooper :)

Good luck bro.. Prep well..