trying to use here that part of the brain that transforms thoughts into words and speech to let out my emotions,frustrations,happiness etc!
Monday, October 24, 2011
F *** up...
6 duties in 11 days....time to celebrate Diwali with poor[and idiotic] patients/irritating sisters.......:(
Friday, September 30, 2011
good 'old' days....

@ home after such a long time...for 3 days...
bengaluru was the city i grew up,had most of my education and place where most of my childhood memories are associated with....days where we used to go to school in cycles,a single poppins was everthing,had to save money for days to get a single cooldrink [pepsi/coke then were like amrutham],many big fights with bros,celebrating all the festivals together...
but now after joining my pg in pondicherry i badly miss all these...i miss fighting with my twin,ammas morning coffee,evening chat shop visits,feeding street dogs here etc..[list goes on]...
time passes away and life moves on but leaves a hundred memories to be cherished upon.....
my turn to tc of my parents now and try to be a good son to them...
my every visit to this city now makes me nostalgic...
Monday, September 12, 2011
finally thesis protocol submission is coming to an end...days of brain eating[by HOD} , late nights net search ,running behind profs for simple queries are all few days will be submitting it.
time to go for a long drive this weekend...
time to go for a long drive this weekend...
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Quote of the day
"its not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog"-
-Mark Twain
-Mark Twain
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Falling sick all of a sudden and taking a leave for the day gives you a rare much needed opportunity for self retrospection.....
Daily routine of getting up early,OPD,ward rounds,patients sometimes doesn't give you much time for yourself.
Today i had this rare chance...a whole day for myself...where i could just be myself....relax a bit,sleep a lot,think about my past,call some old friends and relive your good old past memories......
time for me to reschedule my things more efficiently now....frankly i must say tht poor planning and laziness are turning out to be the reasons why am not as good as expected[by myself] in my work and have to work towards them...
daily life,
pg life,
Monday, September 5, 2011
Happy teachers day
to MMP and MSK high school teachers[legends actually!....and perhaps have played a very vital role in shaping me up when i was in high school]....happy teachers day:).......
Saturday, September 3, 2011
saturday night
i love saturday nights here....
lazy around the house,shopping,go for a drive on my bike,play with neighbour dog,have a nice dinner and no next day morning rounds.....
lazy around the house,shopping,go for a drive on my bike,play with neighbour dog,have a nice dinner and no next day morning rounds.....
Thursday, September 1, 2011
thesis topic selection,getting jacked in rounds daily [by HOD],irritating/illiterate patients behind your back always,language problem,boring/tasteless mess food......all these make me sometimes pull my hairs out of frustration....
daily life,
patients interactions,
pg life,
time factor...

when a case comes to casualty...
time taken
for history taking-15mins [with my full blown butler tamil]
for xray -30 min...yeah thats how our emergency works here....everyone here [except the docs] work at their own pace whether the patient convulses,faints or dies
for me to see that x-ray and come to a diagnosis-another 15mins....
means just for a simple cough case i spend a useless 1hr [of my life] and end up prescribing some lame tonic or tablet [cant prescribe genuine ones available outside since the patients cant afford.....they come to casualty with a 5rs/10rs note in their pocket!]
1-another night duty yesterday-not much cases but still no decent sleep..coz i had to attend a call at 3am for a simple asthma case....
2-happy ganesha chathurthi :)
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
DUTY...and till now no calls [not a good sign]....may be people r too busy celebrating the festivals or CMO here is least bothered to call for a single case and is piling up the cases for me to attend in the night.
Day 2 of SPANDAN...yearly fest organised here....lots of good people around in campus today:P...todays event is a dance show and am planning to attend it....
Miss my home and the food amma prepares for the festivals.....
will be a rich man as am getting my stipend:D
scared actually these days of Tb...being posted in OPD supposed to look after these tb cases admitted under our care in a nearby govn hospital....daily rounds and these people shamelessly coughing at ur face is so disgusting...pretty sure that am already infected...hope i dont get the disease....
daily life,
pg life,
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
too many bed bugs in my hostel...they are everywhere.....on beds,warranda,toilet etc.....and have been called BMF-black mother fuckers.
Saturday, August 27, 2011

am just back to writing and already have an award by my cousin sis arpitha...
Thank you -)
the tagg is about abt 7 facts which am supposed to pen down here....
here i go-
1-i like dance shows/videos....just love them..think have seen almost all which have been put up in youtube[good ones]
2-i prefer cute girls rather than hot/sexy ones......definitely not those size '0' ones!!....SIZE matters u know:D
3-frankly i still feel i haven't grown up yet...
4-am a fountain pen freako...already have 5 Parker pens [one of these costs abt 1k] with 3 hero pens....
5-i love chocs....mentos,bubble gum,5star ...anything will do
6-i like watching movie trailers...i just enjoy the editing work they do to attract the viewers...[read cheat the audience:D]
7-am a cap freak..arsenal, adidas, RCB[my current fav], nike, reebok ,ferrari.....still havent got tht nike cricket team[india] cap in my collection.
time to upgrade...
finally bought a camera for myself...SONY cybershot DSC-W520...its cheap and quite handy...and i can carry it to OPD for xrays...moreover now i can put some quality snapsin my personal picture blog!!.....
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
time to relax
no more seminars until atleast next week with next duty coming up only on saturday....
Monday, August 22, 2011

today we have a holiday and i clearly don't know why[ compensation for some holiday which was cancelled few months back]..
OPDs are closed today and many patients [those who were previosly admitted in wards and come for routine check up] clever enough bypass it and come to ward directly and expect us to see them and prescribe some medications[any thing will do for them....they just want something to swallow]....
Actually i really pity these people for relying on our health system...lack of proper guidance/counselling regarding basic health,lack of planned facilities,the way this govn setup works[takes months for a simple CT scan]...and in a way i feel we are not even providing the basic proper care we are supposed to provide for them being a part of govn health setup......
[INDIA's population and poverty is not helping either....]
Sunday, August 21, 2011

I hate such loosers who after an alcohol binge land up in casualty with just minor complaints and u end up loosing up sleep attending these people.
Pondicherry being a UT and alcohol available at cheaper rates makes people here quite vulnerable to addiction
-UT-union territory
-for me my sleep is more important rather than the health of these addicted loosers..
sunday evening
nothing like a tea[with biscuit] after a sunday after noon sleep.......hmm...i miss my home now.....
Thursday, August 18, 2011
pen maniac
i just love fountain pens....just bought for myself few days a parker one [for 1k]
makes my 5th parker pen in 14months...
7.25am-wake up...[6.45 alarm snoozed several times]
740-tea with biscuits [gooday]
by 8 be in wards..
this has been my routine since last few days [after i shifted out of my hostel]....not having food in the morning makes me land up with severe acidity at around 11[morning] and which ends in myself gobbling some junk food in canteen and finally end up skip lunch food [2 samosas,puff with tea and badam milk really kills ur appetite!].
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
things i miss....
going out with my friends [for a 20rs treat]....
sleeping till the noon serials on tv wake u up...
arguing senselessly with bro.....[my twin]....
my city girls/anyone who looks 'decent'...
street dogs whom i love feeding biscuits.....
and of course my home town language....
guess i am back here to stay for a long time....
more posts to come....
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
The King’s Speech

One of the few movies u come across which truly deserves its Oscar nominations[12!!!]...compelling storyline with good cast and a great story to finish with..thoroughly enjoyed watching it...
will surely be rooting for Colin Firth this time for the Oscar...
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
True Grit...

You must pay for everything in this world, one way and another. There is nothing free except the grace of God
-Mattie Ross [True Grit movie]
No love...
what happens when 2 good rappers get inspired from a 90s mega hit song [one of my all time favs]?.....
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pune visit [unlike Chandigarh] was a total disaster [except for the exam part]...poor food,sick hotel hospitality [municipality restrooms seemed better] and on our return trip to banglore we had to suffer from food poisoning [saureus or bacillus?] and the trains cleanliness didn't help either..Indian railways need to seriously think about this[improving sanitation]..our train's hygiene and rest rooms suck and the contamination we get exposed is nothing short of a
Only nice thing about our visit was the afmc campus and the way they conducted the exam...absolutely methodical!!...and the AFMC campus is nothing short of a mini fortress [each department has its own independent building with museum] and i think campus itself is a big motivation for us to get into institutions like this.
on a full course antibiotic now...oflox-tz
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
aipgmee 2011 over...
still afmc,kcet2011,jipmer and nimhans to go...!!...
now now a movie watching spree...i seriously need a break...
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