@ home after such a long time...for 3 days...
bengaluru was the city i grew up,had most of my education and place where most of my childhood memories are associated with....days where we used to go to school in cycles,a single poppins was everthing,had to save money for days to get a single cooldrink [pepsi/coke then were like amrutham],many big fights with bros,celebrating all the festivals together...
but now after joining my pg in pondicherry i badly miss all these...i miss fighting with my twin,ammas morning coffee,evening chat shop visits,feeding street dogs here etc..[list goes on]...
time passes away and life moves on but leaves a hundred memories to be cherished upon.....
my turn to tc of my parents now and try to be a good son to them...
my every visit to this city now makes me nostalgic...