rat trapped inside...
1-RIP-Dr Vishnuvardhan...a truly great legend passes away...
2-happy new yr...:)
trying to use here that part of the brain that transforms thoughts into words and speech to let out my emotions,frustrations,happiness etc!
even the cases i come across are so monotonous...either fracture/rta[rd traffic accident] or some chronic pain case...and now itself i have realised this subj is not my cup of tea[as pg] and hoping to finish it as soon as possible and move on with my other postings.
1-a thief when caught red handed and tried to escape fell from a roof top and unfortunately landed up in our department[me on duty] yesterday with 3 broken bones.!!
2-i really miss those cute babies[and babes] in obg!!:(
3-thanks Saranya for the award!:))
saw LONDON DREAMS movie...overall was a pretty good movie..but as some of them said think needs some reality check [do we need that?]...just learn to enjoy the movie as it is and leave behind the logic/reality check[which most of them dont]!!
doing surgery mcqs for entrance and am totally loving it...loving the logic behind answering some of the qns and the way it improves ur overall clinical knowledge:)...my only regret is that i didnt do this during my surg postings[internship]:(
is anyone really interested in wht u eat/see/drink??...frankly i dont enjoy twittering anymore....that way fb rocks...atleast can put some pics/chat/have fun;)
getting to see some pretty good nurses around wards these days....actually its fun talking to some them[;)] and appr the dedication they show unlike some stupid,overgrown useless senior sisters[totally hate them to core]
anyone seen the movie MOON?
Full To Attitude De De Tu Jara
in love with-a obg pg[like her attitude,adaa and appr her as a person...actually its just a crush!],surgery....totally loving it now as i keep solving its mcqs.
heights of ignorance-
a private physician writing NIMHANCE instead of NIMHANS in his reference letter to us...
he doesnt deserve to live on this planet!
bored of life/internship!!
When i was in school and playing cricket i was a terrible fielder and known for throwing easy catches away..i still remember my bros[especially my twin] shouting their ass off @ me for leaving those silly catches...guess tht trait has continued till today....
curent situation-
on sat while on duty had to conduct one delivery[due to some peculiar reason] and when was all ready to catch it[baby] and fraction of a sec after she delivered i find my hands totally empty...baby had just slipped and fallen into the bucket...[umbilical cord had prevented it from falling off completely]
luckily baby was fine and nothing unexpected happened...:)
Patients to male interns-doctre
Same patients to female interns-sister,aunty....lol[which obviously pisses them off so badly]
i so pity my female collagues...lol:P
my close friend has contracted swine flu while he was on duty...and luckily has managed to get 10 days leave with attn[that too in med]....everytime i mess him he tells me that he is fine and enjoying his life like never before...lucky dog!!
1-N.S-use it for face/hand washing in case ur duty room water supply is cut[like today]
2-D.N.S-cold it and use it as drinking water.
3-as iv fluids.....
1-my duty room water supply sucks....while brushing my teeth today had to run for water and fially used ns which my friend had kept in the room...
2-some quite pretty mallu sisters r there in my wards[ppc]......some soothers for my eye balls!!..:D.
i understood as a child,I thought as a child
But when i became a man, i threw chidhish things away -
l corinthains13:11
p.s-1-happy diwali:))
2-miss those crackers/sweets!![though i have lost interest in bursting them]
3-finally getting an off today....something to cheer abt!
gave a RhoGam injection to a just delivered[LSCS] lady today which happens to the costliest inj i have given till date...2ml inj=roughly 1.5k
atleast its better than those stupid 12 hrs labour duty shifts...but i miss those cute babies:(!!
any one watching house s06??..it totally rocks!!
when told many among relatives were unable to digest the fact that i had conducted so many deliveries...they just think i have just assisted[which i havent]/witnessed or may be bluffing abt the whole thing...lol....on the other side there r quite few ones who get really surprised and keep asking me how i did/do that etc....[:D]....
at last labour duty over...total was 58!!...wht a relief...[but i miss those babies:(]
leaving for shimoga today to attend my cousins marriage...guess i need a brk after a month of heavy work...
a patients attn who were happy with the baby[which i delivered] distributed us sweets in the ward...!!
when making a cpr to a baby with a paediatrician few days back i realized that 23 yrs ago i was in tht baby's position[me being prematurely born had to be in nicu for a month] and now tht same baby is in a position to do the same on others....indeed life is like a ....
rode my new[actually my bro's] cycle trek3700 today....could covered just 14kms in 1hr 20mins....this is the first time am riding a geared mountain bike and think its pretty cool
moral of the story-
1-bang traffic sucks really
2-never ever listen to ur mom regarding directions
3-my stamina is too poor...
15 days of day duty[labour] coming up from sund....am already sweating!!:(
1-a just born asphyxiated baby surviving after almost 10 minutes of nonstop cpr[by myself and a paediatrician]+adrenaline trail....we had almost decided to declare it dead to the party concerned...after successfull resuscitation it was shifted to nicu immediately.[but our concern was the amount of brain damage baby would have suffered due to the episode]
2-a lady delivering a "healthy" baby instead of urinating in bathroom...
3-an anaemic mother surviving the delivery and coming out of it as healthy as any mother....
4-me not delivering a single baby yestersay in 24 hours
god is indeed sending his much needed blessings upon the needy!;)
no of deliveries conducted by me till now[in 4 days]....
my twitter link...http://twitter.com/pratapu[just in case]
-see the baby's head suddenly popping out of the mothers womb[oops!] and rotates[called restitution]
-for the first time hold the baby in my hands and direct it towards the mother lying there exhausted[really appr them for this kind of hardship they undergo]....
-take the baby for suctioning and on putting the tube inside its tiny nose it Sneezes[atchoo!!]
just check this out...a womans quest for 100 kisses in paris....wth!
a senior staff in my college to my friend[male!] "tell me if u taking mrcs exams,even i will take so that we can study TOGETHER"!!!!...wth[2]
i have delivered[independently] 3 babies[statistically quite less compared to my other cointerns]
assisted for about another 3!!...
still amazed[and surprised] with the way i conducted my first one...just some moves here and there and within a few secs i had a healthy female child crying in my gloved hands[for which the mother gratefully thanked me!!:)]
1-yesterday as soon i entered the room i saw many preg ladies lying on the bed ready to be delivered...it was such a weird feeling...didnt know wht to say or do..i just had to like a zombie roam around a bit for some company[other cointerns:P]
2-from drugs to equipments used seemed new as if i had read this subj long back...guess i have to do my home work properly...!:(
3-2 days brk now...next duty is on sunday!!...
4-the best part is that sisters do most of the work here[unlike in med,surgery] and we just have to sit back and order them/impress them[?]!!..;)
new place,new people,new work!!...
atlast my surgery postings came to an end today with a pre-ot duty...didnt had much work[post duty] except for preparing 4 patients for ot tomo....finally had to say bye to our pgs and come home..Obg[from tomorrow] now will be in a diffn hosp with diffn setup,people and faculty!!...[wish me good look!!:)]
me doing my last wound suturing @ casualty on monday night.....it was a classical assault case with a chisel!![as usual]!!..lol..
could anyone make out tht am a lefty?;)
a very beautiful song sung by Md rafi..."Likhe Jo Khat Tujhe"
1-just 2 more days in surgery!
2-watched taking of pelham 123....it rocks![just like any other Denzil washington movie]
3-down with a leaking tap[running nose]...perhaps a nosocomial infection[or swine flu?!-who cares!:P].
croak like a toad, then go ahead! And with all your might! Make them hear you!" -
Louis-Ferdinand Celine
10-12 pain abdomen cases who come all the way from remote places and that too most of the times @ around 12 in the midnight....
5-6 rta[road traffic accident] cases
countless assault cases[bread and butter of surgery emergency!!] with bruises,cuts and broken bones.....[one old fellow had got punched directly on the face and one of his tooth had fallen off....now how the hell am i supposed to find a dentist in the middle of the night!!]
bullet i got to see from the pistol of the DGP who had come for a shootout case[with the victim].
my weekend plans-
watch LOVE AAJ KAL movie[dwnd it:D]
try to finish psm subj
atleast restart my regular jogging schedule
10 more days in surgery than its OBG!!
the taking of pelham 123 movie trailer looks awesome in the trailers...hope i see it next week
any 3rd rate private hosp[also corporates]/doctor thinks our hosp is a dumping place of patients and send any complicated case to us for the management inspite of knowing ours a govn setup and except for basic facilities[which itself is in acute shortage] have nothing else...truth is everyone just wants to wash their dirty butt and come clean...!!
a patient's attender comes at night to us[from emergency wards] at around 1am and tells us that some private doc had told him that as soon as he comes here the patient will get operated and was questioning us why it hasnt been done so...as if we r some vultures and as soon as the patient enters we pounce on him and take him to ot...wtF!!...
lost,sad,disoriented,unhappy etc....
may be am missing my native or not counting my blessings in life.....not sure..!!
making my mark on the wall at my native-09
Criteria for INDIAN MALE reference
Age-20-39 years
Spends "8"hours in BED,4-6hours SITTING and moving around and 2 HOURS in walking and in ACTIVE RECREATION duties.
i Spend abt 6-7hours sleeping,atleast 3-4 hours sitting[opds,writing casesheets,doing tp in wards and talking to sisters!] and atleast 3 hours walking-running begind profs,suturing,dressing and doing pion and ward boy works!![except cleaning they make us do everything]
so i defenitely fit into it!!;)
1-going to my native for 2 days[leaving tonight]....atleast no such work for 2 whole days!!..
2-psm really helps sometimes!!..lol
a new swine flu screening centre[opd basis] has been started here and which unfortunately happens to be situated just next our night duty room...!!...
one of my co-intern is scared to death!!...rofl!!
This year i finally made it to the flag hoisting ceremony at our college campus...this was my first time there[and the last] and after going there i realised that am doing it[singing my national anthem and witnessing a flag hoisiting] after 8 long years[last being when i was in 9th] which made me very nostalgic and in fact little patriotic!!...
1-have taken the snaps which am putting in my private picture blog.
2-everytime i come across our nat anthem i make it a point to standup[atleast try]..how many of u guys indeed do this??
after 2 back to back duties and no bath inbetween[with plenty of axe] am stinking like an animal...no wonder that the street dog near my house didnt even dare to come near me today.
p.s-1-this time i preferred sleeping during my break in the mornings instead of taking bath!....
2-these days every tom,dick and harry from abroad who gets a cold[or flu symptoms] demands a h1n1 testing to be done and as a result the swine flu ward[in our setup] has become a market like place with long Qs for throat swab cultures....[god i really curse these media people!!]
A 24 year old man comes to opd and says that he has an wound on his right index finger and needs our immediate attention....when i further enquired about it he said with some hesitation "i was bitten by my 23 yr old friend".Such cases[any bite] usually needs to be done MLC[medicolegal case]here and when i told him about his situation he just disappeared from there and never came back.
p.s-marathon duty coming up...from sunday morning till tuesday afternoon!:([2 back to back duties]