time-night[around 11pm]
people involved-ortho pgs,patients and ward boy
in ortho its a common thing to get fracture cases during night duties and in most of the cases to stabilize[and also to decrease pain] pops[plaster of paris] are put as a initial emergency medical aid and further managed depending on the patient[finance]/docs.
actual scenario-a patient with obvious fracture comes to the emergency and one of my pg after initial routine[history,doing MLC and xrays] decides to put pop and tells[request-u cant order these self important jerks!] one of the ward boys to put the pop...after everything [putting cast] the ward order plainly demands money[pretty hefty] from the patient telling the dr himself has asked for it[pure exploitation].
After a few days some how this pg comes to know abt this[from the patient themselves] and so from then on in a heroic way[he was in 1st yr then] decides to put all the casts himself[in order to save their money]...satisfied/with pride[after putting some] at last walks into the duty room and narrates[to his senior pg] all this...senior pg then calmly replies "now tht u have personally gone to put pop ward boy would charge double the amount saying he has personally called u for the work"
p.s-that was the last time he put the cast himself in his life....
those who think all govn docs r corrupt r wrong....