heights of ignorance-
a private physician writing NIMHANCE instead of NIMHANS in his reference letter to us...
he doesnt deserve to live on this planet!
bored of life/internship!!
trying to use here that part of the brain that transforms thoughts into words and speech to let out my emotions,frustrations,happiness etc!
heights of ignorance-
a private physician writing NIMHANCE instead of NIMHANS in his reference letter to us...
he doesnt deserve to live on this planet!
bored of life/internship!!
When i was in school and playing cricket i was a terrible fielder and known for throwing easy catches away..i still remember my bros[especially my twin] shouting their ass off @ me for leaving those silly catches...guess tht trait has continued till today....
curent situation-
on sat while on duty had to conduct one delivery[due to some peculiar reason] and when was all ready to catch it[baby] and fraction of a sec after she delivered i find my hands totally empty...baby had just slipped and fallen into the bucket...[umbilical cord had prevented it from falling off completely]
luckily baby was fine and nothing unexpected happened...:)
Patients to male interns-doctre
Same patients to female interns-sister,aunty....lol[which obviously pisses them off so badly]
i so pity my female collagues...lol:P
my close friend has contracted swine flu while he was on duty...and luckily has managed to get 10 days leave with attn[that too in med]....everytime i mess him he tells me that he is fine and enjoying his life like never before...lucky dog!!
1-N.S-use it for face/hand washing in case ur duty room water supply is cut[like today]
2-D.N.S-cold it and use it as drinking water.
3-as iv fluids.....
1-my duty room water supply sucks....while brushing my teeth today had to run for water and fially used ns which my friend had kept in the room...
2-some quite pretty mallu sisters r there in my wards[ppc]......some soothers for my eye balls!!..:D.
i understood as a child,I thought as a child
But when i became a man, i threw chidhish things away -
l corinthains13:11
p.s-1-happy diwali:))
2-miss those crackers/sweets!![though i have lost interest in bursting them]
3-finally getting an off today....something to cheer abt!
gave a RhoGam injection to a just delivered[LSCS] lady today which happens to the costliest inj i have given till date...2ml inj=roughly 1.5k
atleast its better than those stupid 12 hrs labour duty shifts...but i miss those cute babies:(!!
any one watching house s06??..it totally rocks!!
when told many among relatives were unable to digest the fact that i had conducted so many deliveries...they just think i have just assisted[which i havent]/witnessed or may be bluffing abt the whole thing...lol....on the other side there r quite few ones who get really surprised and keep asking me how i did/do that etc....[:D]....
at last labour duty over...total was 58!!...wht a relief...[but i miss those babies:(]
leaving for shimoga today to attend my cousins marriage...guess i need a brk after a month of heavy work...
a patients attn who were happy with the baby[which i delivered] distributed us sweets in the ward...!!
when making a cpr to a baby with a paediatrician few days back i realized that 23 yrs ago i was in tht baby's position[me being prematurely born had to be in nicu for a month] and now tht same baby is in a position to do the same on others....indeed life is like a ....