Sunday, August 29, 2010

Closing this blog forever...

Changing priorities in life...
Loads of crap people...
less passion...
picture blogging

few of the reasons for me to close this blog permanently....and this time am pretty sure that am not coming back here again...When i initially started writing it was just me and this space but gradually i started changing and started writing for others.It was just wasnt me here.Frankly i think many here just read my blog coz i manage to read theirs like u scratch mine and me yours[like Raksha says] thing.And with fb this year i slowly started loosing interest in posting frequently and my posts response have been dropped accordingly.
Other main reason is that i was never truly passionate about what i write and always felt that am more interested in humor/medicine blogs and some few personal ones rather than reviews,stories and poetry.For these things i have net,newspapers and why would i be spending my time in reading such things here[sorry no offence to anyone].
After much thinking i have finally decided to put an end to this.This space will be always be special to me for many reasons-improved my language/some great cool friends.
Some day will surely come back with real me and would definitely inform you guys then...til then bye guys!! :)

already nostalgic:(
would continue to read the blogs i have people plz keep writing...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

memory stunts...

'there is nothing like good and bad memory but only trained and untrained one'

many say success in any field is 99% effort + 1%luck but i think in medical field its 99% memory and just 1% luck...coz medical science is more of fact based and the little bit of clinics u do is no where near the amount of theory u need to know.Many of our seniors[read profs] say key is to understand the things and do them practically but i think most the things u read/hear cant be seen and its impractical to expect to learn everything just by clinical knowledge.And this problem of retaining things is more so when u r preparing for competitive exams like pg,upsce etc where more than what to remember its more of how to remember.
Just think for a in gods name are u going to remember the mc se of Carbamazepine drug or the drugs causing SLE by just understanding the subject or agonist of any particular receptor..?? Either u have to study it byheart like we did during high school [even mathematical problems weren't spared then] or just use some memory techniques like acronyms,mnemonics and apply them accordingly.
Making a mnemonic or any acronym is like creating a music..its depends on your personality[like an art] and time and interest u invest in doing it....if u really want to remember anything u just have to invest accordingly and frankly there is no other short cut.
Throught my UG like [and even now] i was quite famous for this among my friends and in fact some of my mnemonics which i had made then are helping me even now for my exams..Some of them are-
rIght-right side heart murmurs Increase on inspiration..
among LAs anything with 2i is an amide...
WTF* pelcan-wimburger,tremmerfeld,franklin line and pelcan spur...scurvy radiological signs
cArbamazepine-Ataxia[mc]>Anemia[most serious]
Sulfonylureas[oral hypoglycemic] patients must be Small-so given in thin patients and metformin in obese...
Imagine a tree @ ur sacred place....Trazadone causes priaprism[painful erection]
Lamotrigine causes a line in your skin-cause Steven Johnson syndrome
Clip on your hair-doc for Hairy CL is Cladribine

key is just to use the techniques accordingly and among these the most powerful one is visual ones[like trazadone] coz what ever u hear/see is visualized inside your brain and in this way why not use it constructively and remember few things!!

*wtf-wow thats funny
1-it may be worlds fastest rubic cube solver or some UPSCE topper..its just pure memory which helps them do things they do more efficiently...
2-talking like an expert here doesn't make me one...its just my opinion and little bit of knowledge i have gained during my medical life....