Friday, May 16, 2008


my heart felt homage to the people of Jaipur which was rattled by eight bomb blasts on Tuesday evening that left at least 63 people dead and nearly 300 injured...:)...hope political parties don't politicize this issue and will put their sincere efforts in providing relief to the people affected !!!


Akshay said...

Politicians in my view are maggots!! They will use opportunities like these any day!!

Anonymous said...

My prayers for the people and their near ones who suffered... comments!

Big Pearls said...

may god help them

Anonymous said...

Oh man! I am so sorry for those people that were killed and their family!!! I will be praying for the injured ones also!!!

Man This is so sad!!!

Mariposa said...

News like this rattles my could people be so blinded and selfish?!

My prayers go to the families of the victims...

broca's area said...

@ all..thanks for your concern!!!....:))

Prats said...

Our prayers for all those who were affected by this tragedy...its not only those who live there but those connected also..

Anonymous said...

My prayers for the ones who lost thier dear ones, May God bring healing to thier hearts.

broca's area said...

@ prats,grey....lets hope for the best...:)

Sahefa said...

poor people...hope they get get better soon
these bomb attacks are really harming everyone
same is the case in Pakistan where i live

Adorable Pancreas said...

They are usually too busy with their non-issues to be rocked by bomb blasts.

Satish Bolla said...

plz don't mention politicians into this. they'll make this issue a mess for nothing. my homage to all the victims..

broca's area said...

@ sahefa,satish,pancreas....thanks for ur concern:))