Sunday, July 18, 2010


id-want to go out with friends,movies etc
ego-its not the right time for worldly pleasures since many exams are fast approaching
superego-wont affect my moral consciousness though..

had an awesome psychiatry class[i mean actual classroom class not sessions] this week..just loved it...subj looks nice in the books.


just got my net conn back..
ANy one been to inception??....
life @ new home is quite diffn...its an apartment with many children around [who scream all the time] and nosy old ladies...
one of my friends working in PHC is being transferred from his work place for his sorry for him and have advised to be less sincere next time..
i just love this..Kangna by Dr Zueus..good old punjabi pop songs [almost extinct now days]

1 comment:

Unknown said...

just go out with your friends :)