Saturday, April 5, 2008

old dog new tricks!..

while going through the mails one of my friends in her reply had mentioned this saying "old dog cant learn new tricks".found it quite interesting so googled it and found out this!-actually the saying goes like this "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." And while there is some truth in it, it is also probably one of the most misunderstood maxims. Note that the subject of the maxim is not the dog; the subject is you. "You can't teach..." The saying is not, "Old dogs cannot learn new tricks." The problem isn't with the old dog; it's with you!!...this holds good to everyone of us here who in the name of some lame excuse just refuse to learn something new in our life inspite of knowing that it may help us in the long run!!


Big Pearls said...

is this in any way related to "ba3ad ma shab wadooh il kotab" ??

broca's area said...

@ big pearls...sorry didn't get u!!

ceedy said...

I agree with you here - with time the things we do become our subconsious and then its difficult to change or get that out of our system :)

broca's area said...

@ ceedy...but some dogs do change!!!:D