Thursday, July 31, 2008

technology gap.....

my first video it when i was in 3rd std..has a cat and mouse game!....and even an alarm...really used to enjoy playing with it!..
my latest video it when i joined medical....see the technology change!!...but some times feel "old is gold"

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


had been to koramangala from malleshwaram on sunday and was surprised[and shocked!] by the way the autorickshaw meter kept on running and finally the amount showed by it was abt 120rs[normally its only abt 80-90rs!!]....these autorickshaw drivers manipulate it properly according to their convenience and coax us to pay such wonder people hate them[not all!]...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Why so serious?..

atlast am going to watch Dark knight movie this week ..although it ahs been released 2 weeks back couldnt watch it coz of med internals and postings!....really excited abt it!!!

have watched its first part[prequel]...had really liked was really realistic and also the storyline!...

lets see how its sequel is!!!!!...:)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

medicine internals....

on mon we have medicine internals..have abt 250 pages including Respiratery system,CNS and renal!...

still have one more day to prepare ie tomorrow!..:)

Friday, July 25, 2008

30 years ago...

This day (July 25), thirty years ago, little Louise Brown created history. She was the first baby to be born through in vitro fertilisation (IVF), a technique where eggs and sperms taken out from the human body are fertilised in a laboratory.
There was much uproar and misgivings at that point, but the technique came to be slowly accepted. Thousands of such babies have since been born
The science of meddling with eggs and sperms outside the body has not only matured, but has grown to offer possibilities that were unimaginable earlier. Surrogate mothers; using donated sperms or eggs by couples or single women to have babies; storing eggs or sperms for use at a later date or by those about to undergo radiation therapy for cancer… the list goes on. And almost every development faced some resistance and opposition by sections of society
She after 30 years....

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


this is our 4th week in obg and we have presented quite a few good we saw a hypertensive patient[condition is called as "preeclampsia"] where the patient had developed hypertension complicated as a complication of her pregnancy....this is quite common here[in lower middle class] and usually the treatment given[thankfully!] controls the hypertension and the out come in majority of cases are good!...

in the picture above u can see a tablet made of plastic filled with a liquid medication[nifedipine-an anti-hypertensive drug] which is given to the parient sub lingually[below the tongue] in hypertensive emergencies......!!!....
wanted to share this wonderful video about olympics!..

Sunday, July 20, 2008

weekend ruined...

with the medicine internals coming up..have lots to study...:(....since my sundays usually begins late[get up at 10].. today decided to get up early[7] and got to college library and study little bit...came back at 4 in the was quite productive....
came back home at 5 and watched Aamir movie..thriller movie with a good twist in the end....u will enjoy it!!...

Saturday, July 19, 2008


here u can see a baby been tagged detaling abt its weight,sex was delivered by caesarian section since it was a breech presentation[buttocks down].....

had cake fudge today with my was awesome..:)


Rules:-1. Type your answer for each of the questions into Flickr search.2. Using only the 1st page of the results, choose one random image.3. Copy and paste the URLs of each of the images into Big Huge Lab's Mosaic Maker to create a mosaic of the chosen pictures.Questions:-
What is your first name?
What is your favorite food right now?
Which high school did you attend?
Which is your favorite color?
Who is your celebrity crush?
What is your favorite drink?
What is your dream vacation?
What is your favorite dessert?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What do you love most in life?
What is one word that describes you?
What is your user name?

i tagg.....



Friday, July 18, 2008

power cut....

due to power shortage all over the state...Banaglore these days has been a victim of intermittent power cut....usually it would go off from half an hour to one hour,at 4-5 times a day.....some say it is due to increase in consumption by 30% in one year which lead to all these measures.....


"tomorrow is a mystery,yesterday is a mystery but today is a gift thats why its called The Present"

-Kung fu panda movie

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Fried corns known as Jola in Kannada are quite easily available [post summer]....
in every street in Malleshwaram u will get atleast one street vendor seeling these......they are quite tasty and cheap too!!!..

Sunday, July 13, 2008


it was a saturday holiday morning[2nd govn holiday!]..
mission was to buy a mobile[for myself] of about 7-8k...
it all started with my visit to the college where i was supposed to meet my friend at 10.30am....
finally met him around that time and went to his house where we watched kungfu panda [1st half]....when it was around 11 we got off to our[read mine] so called "mobile mission"...began our search in basavangudi where we roamed abt half a dozen showrooms [Subhikha,Nokia,Mobile mane etc]..each quoting a diffn price ..the cheapest being in Subhiksha[of abt 50rs]!!...finally confused we decide to go to Sangeetha[on our freinds suggestion]...and searched for it for abt an hour in Basa...andwhen we came to know that theres no Sangeetha show room in Basavangudi we cursed[shaapa] our friend and decided to go to Jayanagar 4th block where we landed in a Nokia showroom ...
finally after deciding to buy in this showroom ...we saw some good cells in that range[7-8k]...and finally decided to take "the cheapest" N series mobile[no price for guessing!...quite satisfied with its looks and quality..[many there were suggesting n73 but no one willing to fund for it!]....thanked my friend for helping me this mission came back home at 4 ....
Watched kungfu panda[couldnt resist myself after watching the 1st half]......v good movie!...a must watch for everyone!...
Lets see for many days i will be enthusiastic abt my mobile!..

Friday, July 11, 2008


GPAL is the abbreviation we use in obstetrics to any patients[of course female] maternal history where G stands for gravida[no of total preg],P-parity[conceviable] ,A-abortion and L-live....we are so used to this thing that sometimes we tend to omit the no of pregnancies just to decrease our case sheet length since we have to elaboralty write on each pregnancy detailing about their mode of delivery,complications etc..[laziness!].....
"nimge yast makkalu"?[How many children] is the standard qn we ask and sometimes its difficult to elicit even this from those patients who would have undergone repeated abortions!..
overall obg is quite interesting [2nd week] and we learn a lot about women!!...
tomorrow is 2nd saturday and its holiday!...can sleep till 10am and may be watch a movie!!!..:)


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Quotable quotes

"To beat Federer you need to be Nadal and run around like a rabbit and hit winners from all over the place"-Marat Safin after his defeat to Roger in the wimbledon

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Don't Let the Beetles Get You Down

On the slope of Long's Peak in Colorado lies the ruin of 3 gigantic tree. Naturalists tell us
that it stood for some four hundred years. It was a seedling when Columbus landed at
San Salvador, and half grown when the Pilgrims settled at Plymouth. During the course
of its long life it was struck by lightning fourteen times, and the innumerable avalanches
and storms of four centuries thundered past it. It survived them all. In the end,
however, an army of beetles attacked the tree and leveled it to the ground. The insects
ate their way through the bark and gradually destroyed the inner strength of the tree by
their tiny but incessant attacks. A forest giant which age had not withered, nor lightning
blasted, nor storms subdued, fell at last before beetles so small that a man could crush
them between his forefinger and his thumb.
Aren't we all like that battling giant of the forest? Don't we manage somehow to survive
the rare storms and avalanches and lightning blasts of We, only to let our hearts be
eaten out by little beetles of worry-little beetles that could be crushed between a
finger and a thumb?

Saturday, July 5, 2008


finally The Weekend has arrived..its time for uMahe[unnadu,malagaduheladu...eng translation-eating,sleeping ,shiitng]
this week had been pretty good...obg postings has started and today was our first OT[of this term obg]...actually it quite boring..saw only one Abdominal Hysterectomy case[removal of uterus through abdomen]...this lady had fibroids and had come with an increased menstrual bleeding symptom!!...have taken its snap but dont feel like posting it here!!!...some where after seeing all these patients here in Obg ...i feel women suffer more than men in life!!...[ofcourse with exceptions!]
todays plan is to relax a bit and may be watch Pathology movie....

Friday, July 4, 2008


really dont know what to write...having some post-Ch joint aches[knee]...and this earache is making my life bro is recovering pretty good and thanku all for the wishes conveyed!...:)
OBG postings started this week and its pretty interesting!...have seen some pretty good cases like DM in pregnancy,Anemia and also one IUGR case[intrauterine growth retardation]....very much to study:(...but overall quite interesting[and stimulating too!]!!! ...
ths years Wimbledon is really interesting...eagerly waiting for the final on sunday!...
watch this new video......Heartbreaker!!..:)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

its back!

its back
have seen many come backs in my life...but this is of a different my elder bro developed the similar kind of rash on his body as i had developed on my 3rd day of illness [last week]...and also some mild joint pain and am damn sure this time its not any viral infection but Chikungunya...actually there is no cure for it except some safe NSAIDS[non steroidal anti-inflammatery drugs] and some diet modifiactions[and of course mosquito repellents]...hes is doing just that and will be all right pretty soon...

Sincere apologize to my fellow bloggers for not commenting and replying to their posts these pc also has some viral problem since everytime i go to any blog[or website] it gets restarted!..have to check it out....dont worry am reading all ur posts...and will be replying pretty soon!..:)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

happy doctors day..:)

1st July is celebrated as "Doctor's Day" in the memory of great Physician & leader Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy. Dr. B. C. Roy was born on 1st July 1882 in Patna, in the family of the rebel Maharaja Pratapaditya of Jessore (now in Bangladesh). He served the state of West Bengal as Chief Minister as well as country with great dedication, devotion and sincerity till his death on 1st July 1962. The nation and doctors in particular are eternally proud of Dr. B.C. Roy